Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are We In This Together?

It's interesting that many entrepreneurs begin their career as an employee. They exchange time and effort for a salary and experience, meanwhile perfecting a vision, plan, and resources. Then, at some point, the budding capitalist decides to launch out on his or her own venture. The entrepreneur chooses personal best interests over the employer's best interests.

Hopefully, after a successful launch and a period of growth, the entrepreneur looks around the workplace to find a bunch of really talented employees. Employees who were carefully vetted and hired based on what they could bring to the company and how they can contribute to the company's interests.

As cynical as it may be, the economy is just a huge group of people making choices in the best interest of themselves. A boss can talk about being a team, having each others' backs, and being in it together. In truth, in it together is just a matter of convenience where everyone's what's best for me is mutually beneficial.

Manage your company towards the sweet spot that optimizes the interests of your clients, your capital, AND your employees. Making decisions in the best interest of your employees might start paying dividends towards the best interests of your customers and capital.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Give Me Discontent

Give me discontent.
Give me uneasiness.
May it sting, burn, and tear me apart.

Give me dissatisfaction.
Give me restlessness.
May a yearning for something uncertain take residence in my heart.

Take my appetite.
Take my comfort.
May a disruption of my routine refine my desires and provide clarity of mind.

Let it launch me forward.
Let it increase my faith.
Now is the time to learn, to grow, to seek, and to find.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Go With The Flow

A professional athlete hoists the league championship trophy and proclaims, "I just went with the flow and look where it took me!"

The entrepreneur after the closing bell of IPO day says, "I never really had to do anything out of the ordinary during my career, I just sort of went with the flow and here we are!"

God tells us through scripture that he knit us together in our mother's womb. I suppose it's logical that He just slaps a "go with the flow" label on about 95% of his human widget inventory.

I suppose God only desires that maybe 3 to 5% of the humans He creates are actually implanted with a dream that they should chase and achieve.

I suppose it's God's design that most of the population simply blend in and ride the current, not making any waves.

Yeah, I bet God hates the wake created by people motoring toward His calling.