Thursday, November 03, 2011

Quick Thoughts on Occupy Oakland

So last night and this morning I've been on Twitter seeing a steady stream of updates and pictures from the latest #OccupyOakland happenenings.  To name a few, protesters threw rocks at the windows of a Whole Foods and sending shoppers ducking for cover within, spray paint plastered all over private and public property, graffiti and homemade signs proclaiming support for communism and down with capitalism.  I'd post some examples, but it's too hard to find one without an F-bomb spray painted all over it.

My first thoughts, and if you have answers or suggestions help me out, because I'm a bit awed:

  • What part of Peaceable Assembly involves hate graffiti and rock throwing?
  • In the name of Freedom you deliberately take away the freedoms of others?  Busting up a store and making random shoppers run for cover is the proper way to express your freedom?
  • So you think Capitalism is bad...  you'd rather fire up the Communism machine where no one gets to make their own decisions?  Everything you hate about the Government and crony capitalism gets infinitely worse in the central planning of Communism.
  • And no one's busting up the Men's Wearhouse because it has a sign out front proclaiming, "We Stand with the 99%."  That's the smartest store owner ever, if a 8.5x11" sign is all it takes to keep your windows and store inventory out of the path of wreckage.
  • Also, the #Occupy protesters are praising stores for closing in support of the #GeneralStrike.  They might be supporting you... but if it was my store, I'd be closing to prevent my employees and customers from getting injured in the middle of your temper tantrum.
I'd love to think and write more about this... but in the words of @JayBilas, "I gotta go to work!"  Leave me some comments, let me know if I'm in left field or on target.