Today is Thursday, September 19, 2013 and I have been seizure free for one month.
Relative to the 28 years that I've been alive, a month is nothing. Relative to the most unusual moment within those 28 years, a month is a lifetime.
My co-workers and I had just finished our takeout burritos. It was that time of day when you start comparing all of the ways you could spend an afternoon to the way you're about to.
Fearing the post-lunch food coma, I sauntered back to my desk began clearing unread emails. After opening a three word email, I realized that I wasn't making sense of the words. To shake out the cobwebs I got up and took a quick walk across the office. Arriving back at my desk, feeling the victor, I picked up on emails again.
That's when it happened: my brain checked out and everything went dark.