Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Lesson on Enthusiasm

This kid is probably four or five, not yet in kindergarten and still in the "this many fingers" age range. He's rocking that deep summer tan and bleach blonde hair that only a kid can achieve, but don't let his cute appearance fool you.  No, you have to keep your guard up around this little guy.  He has a mouth like a sailor (in that oh my goodness, you have an unbelievably strong command of the four letter vocabulary kind of way) and he loves to deliver hay-makers to the baby-makers when you lose focus, if you know what I mean.  Which works out perfectly, because an average adult male's future children are about fist high for him.

You know how with most little kids you tease them little, poke them in the ribs and they laugh and think you're a little funny and one of the cool adults... that's not this kid.  If you even think about joshing with him a little he wants to literally knock you unconscious, laugh at you, and make out with your girlfriend... and then laugh at you again.  Maybe I'm embellishing a little bit, but only in the sense that it will be a couple more years before he starts making out with girls.  Mark my words that before he graduates high school he will have knocked a kid out with one punch and stolen someone's girlfriend.  I'll bet you five bucks and if both happen to the same dude you owe me double.